Sunday 29 June 2014

The Street Wizards Kook Out

July 26th 2014 regina saskatchewan, 2703 Quinn Dr.
swap meet, bike show, bbq. call 306-540-4620 for swap meet tables/more info. email 

i was super stoked to put this tank on as my blue one is leaking, turns out this one leaks way worse.  i got some welding to do

Dirt rips


some old pics from old dudes

Go skate day 2014

go skate day this year was super fun, skated all day, ripping around just like we used to, not a care in the world. around 6 we all met up at connaught to skate to the plaza, stated raining super hard just as we left at 7. we skated in the middle of the street the whole way there, with a big lined of backed up traffic behind us, it was awesome.

Weekly salvage trips
